PUBG mobile, one of the most popular games in the mobile gaming industry, however only supports 60 fps rates and does not reap the benefit from being played on phones with higher, faster display panels. This is changing, and it’s all thanks to the new Qualcomm chipset for mobiles. At the Qualcomm Snapdragon tech summit in Hawaii, Qualcomm announced the all-new Snapdragon 865 chipset, the features of which promise a lot of improvements over the previously used 855 chipset. The new chip promises higher AI integration and imaging, along with an improvement of 20 per cent in graphics. This partnered with an increased CPU performance of 25 per cent. As proof for this performance increase, Qualcomm has worked with the team of PUBG mobile to support 90fps rate gameplay. Soon, mobiles powered by the Snapdragon 865 chipset will be able to run the game at 90fps. Users whose phones run with 90Hz or higher screens can take full advantage of this, meaning better gameplay for gaming phones and premium phones released next year. To take advantage of playing the game at 90fps, the user will need a phone which runs on the Snapdragon 865 processor, i.e. the best gaming experience on the most expensive phones of next year. The 90Hz game support is coming at a time when many companies are moving to 120Hz screens next year, owing to the rising popularity of High refresh rate screens. Big industry players like the OnePlus 8 Pro, the Samsung Galaxy S11, Redmi K30 and many others are promising phones with 120Hz refresh rates reducing the number of phones, which could possibly take benefit of the new 90Hz display of the game. Qualcomm has also made an announcement that PUBG mobile will get support for 10-bit HD resolution, meaning the game will support a greater visual experience. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.  

PUBG Mobile to run at 90 fps soon  all thanks to Qualcomm - 64PUBG Mobile to run at 90 fps soon  all thanks to Qualcomm - 93