We think that Facebook gives suggestions about pages that interests us. In our news feeds we should be suggested continuously, about the kind of things associated with our area of interest. Facebook generally suggests us profiles of people we might be interested in. So why not let us know about pages that are similar to the ones we regularly follow? We think that this would be more fun.


Interest based friend suggestion: Speaking of friend suggestions, we get to see people whom we are very remotely associated with, on the basis of mutual friends. We think that Facebook should connect us with those with whom we have similar interests or hobbies.

  For example, we are interested in music, or more particularly, listen to the same music as other people. Then Facebook should make us aware about people with same inerests, so that we can have a desirable interaction with them. Like this, we can actually make friends rather than adding unknown people in our friend list with whom we hardly ever interact with.  

Option to deactivate ‘seen’ mark: If possible, then we should get the option of de-activating the ‘seen’ mark on a chat of Facebook messenger. Sometimes we just don’t want people to constantly ping us by telling us to reply when we haven’t after looking at the message. However, if we haven’t seen their message, then they might excuse us for we might have replied if we saw it. However, you could kill two birds with one stone if you are able to de-activate the ‘seen’ mark. That way you can look at the message and restrict people from annoying you.


Receive notification if somebody unfriends you: Ever got unfriended by someone? Maybe you would like to know who did it? So, in our opinion, you should get a notification if someone unfriends you. If not a notification, then maybe a link where you can go once a month and see who unfriended you.


Hey Facebook  here are four new features that we would want to see on your platform - 96Hey Facebook  here are four new features that we would want to see on your platform - 30